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6 reasons why ThinkOut is better than Spreadsheets

October 31, 2016
6 reasons why ThinkOut is better than Spreadsheets
Build and Compare Different Scenarios

From your ThinkOut account you can fill in different cash flow plans to compare various scenarios. The resulting cash movements will be reflected, by colors, in a graphic. You’ll see which one goes abruptly down and which is the cash flow plan you should stick to.

Handy Pre-Settings

The way you run the business is very much your own. Yet, we designed a pre-defined structure of the cash flow plan so you won’t have to create it from scratch. It helps you to better understand how the platform works and how values are calculated. Use it to build your own plan. Beside the main categories, all the others can be changed. Rename transaction categories and groups, add new ones, even sub-subcategories. Just feel free to build the structure that works best for you.

Zoom In and Zoom Out

It’s all in the details, but you may not see the wood for the trees. We’ve got you covered for both situations. Meaning that ThinkOut allows to view the cash movements per day, week or month for a period of time of your choice in no more than 2 clicks. You can enter values as often and in detail as you like. You’ll understand where you stand cash-wise and if urgent measures need to be taken.

Flexible Outlook

We chose Euro as reference currency (maybe because we are based in Europe and we got sentimental). This doesn’t stop anyone from choosing another currency to work with. Just add them from the Settings section of the account. Then just choose the currency you want to operate with from the top menu of the cash plan and all values will be converted automatically.

Collaborative Tool

Though ThinkOut is not about having fun, it can be a nice experience to work on a collaborative platform. No team is keen on using a pile of Excel sheets which cannot be shared effectively, not to mention tracking changes. What is so good about managing the cash flow with your colleagues is that they feel more engaged and responsible and you, as manager, gain precious time.

Online All The Time

Important decisions don’t have to wait until you arrive at work. The great thing about an online platform is that you can access it from any place with a decent internet connection. Even from the beach, if the cool breeze inspires you to throw an eye over the company’s cash flow (though probably not).

Beside all that, ThinkOut is easy to use, making cash flow management feel like a stroll in the park. Our platform provides a comfortable overview, thing which is not possible with a spreadsheet.

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