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Measure, determine, consolidate

Just as a citadel has actively witnessed its share of events and grown strong through them, a citadel-like business consists of a strongly informed team, there to ensure long-term growth and consolidation. Perhaps even a conquest or two.

In a citadel-like business, calculated choices and agile decisions are like brick and mortar – no expansion without them. Be it for building your business all the way to the top or expanding borders across new territories.

One needs to measure, determine, and consolidate for and with each and every move. Rules, scenarios, recurrences, analytics – all in the service of your best decision. With this one tool.


Transform data into action

Strategic insights to pave the path to business success

Unified command of data

Scattered records are like loose bricks – unreliable and prone to collapse. This is your foundation, bringing all transactions together for a clear, centralized view of your financial activity.

More clarity for better decisions

A disorganized construction site wastes time and resources. Organize your finances with ease by creating a customized category structure, assigning clear labels, and identifying all parties involved in each transaction.

More clarity for better decisions

Gain the power of foresight

Use the forecasting feature to anticipate future trends and make proactive decisions. Be prepared for any storm, and seize every opportunity.

Gain the power of foresight

Transform data into action

Get equipped to conquer every challenge

Fully customizable dashboard

Craft a personalized dashboard that displays the information most critical to your success. Track key metrics at a glance, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve.

Seamless team collaboration

A lone builder can only do so much, so bring your team on board! Invite stakeholders to access and interact with your data, fostering transparency and ensuring everyone is aligned with your strategic vision.

Real-time data interaction

Craft personalized cash flow scenarios that show you every possible outcome that may arise from your decisions.

Transform data into action

Never lose sight of what matters

Save filter views

A builder needs the right tools for the job, so customize your cash flow view and save your favorite filters to quickly access account balances, cash flow activities, specific projects, or overall inflows and outflows.

Save filter views

Stay on track, achieve more

Always start with a blueprint: manage your budget, set clear financial goals, allocate resources efficiently, and track your progress in real time.

Stay on track, achieve more

All things analytics

Turn raw data into actionable insights. Analyze everything from sales trends to spending patterns. Gain a deeper understanding of your business and make data-driven decisions that drive results.

Usage sketches

Explore various business foundations


Just as a tower offers a panoramic vantage point, a tower-like business thrives on a holistic perspective.


Much like a fort, a new business is often a solo mission, built to protect a core idea and launch a winning plan. It's where dreams of empires are born.


In a polis-like business being everywhere all at once is essential. So you really can’t settle for – it’s impossible. What you can do is build anew. From the inside out.

Start consolidating your citadel today.

Empower yourself with the insights and agility you need to make data-driven decisions that secure your long-term growth.