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Model your future growth


Create and analyze different outcomes

Quickly create scenarios with a few simple clicks to model how potential investments, staffing decisions, revenue dips, delayed payments, or other factors might affect your cash flow.

Gain comparative insights

Build as many scenarios to have accurate financial plans and forecasts. Effortlessly showcase your cash flow's future trajectory with a flexible display that helps you gain the insights to avoid surprises down the road.

Gain comparative insights

Use cash flow as starting point

Start from your status quo and run simulations to see the financial outcomes of different choices, and then compare the results to make the best decision for your business.

Use cash flow as starting point

Plan the growth

Explore every financial outcome

Plot on top of real-time activity

Leverage real-time data and use your current cash flow situation as the springboard for your projections, ensuring your forecasts are grounded in reality.

Plot on top of real-time activity

Quick look on dashboard

Get a quick snapshot of key scenario insights directly on your customizable dashboard.

Quick look on dashboard

Convert to budgeting

When you identify a promising scenario, easily convert it into a workable budget to guide your spending and resource allocation.

Convert to budgeting

Easily maintainable

Keep your scenarios up-to-date with minimal effort, ensuring your financial planning reflects the latest developments.

Easily maintainable

Plan the growth

Explore other benefits


Estimate your business growth


Say goodbye to manual work


Quick analytics


Keep track of next invoices

Future-proof your business

Be prepared for anything. Explore multiple financial "what-if" scenarios with ThinkOut and identify the best path forward for your business.