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Integrate your data into one place


Connect your bank accounts

Link your banks, quickly consolidate multi-currency accounts and stay up-to-date with your most recent transactions.

Add cash accounts

Add your cash transactions to have a centralized view of total cash and liquidity balances across your business.

Add cash accounts

Real-time balances

Instantly view up-to-date balances for all your connected accounts, ensuring you're always aware of your financial standing.

Real-time balances

See the plan

Get flexible with your data

Import your data

Seamlessly import your financial data, via bank connection or file import, eliminating manual entry and saving you time.

Import your data

Export your data

Easily export your financial data from ThinkOut for further analysis or sharing with external stakeholders.

Export your data

See the plan

Explore other benefits


Play with different scenarios


Quick filtering of your data


Review your transactions

Cash flow

See what your cash flow looks like

Take control of your finances

Ditch the spreadsheets and fragmented data. Sign up for ThinkOut and gain a crystal-clear view of your cash flow.