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Beyond entrepreneurship – love the problem, not the solution

June 15, 2016
Beyond entrepreneurship – love the problem, not the solution

They say if you fall in love with the problem, not with the solution, the rest will follow.

If you choose the path of building a small business, you have to be aware of the fact that you should be a problem solver. If you don’t love it, you can’t solve it. We think the focus should be on building products that create a change of behaviour in order to aid people to lead better and happier lives.

But before putting together information for a business plan, you have to check it with yourself first. Ask yourself: “why do I want to start a business?” Consider if you have the motivation, the skills or resources to get through an entrepreneurial journey. More than that, you have to make sure you understand what your motivation is. Why? Because the road you choose to travel is hard. You have to take risks. You don’t have to be afraid to fail. Studies show that 1 out of 10 businesses succeeds. We live in a world that is crowded with people with mind blowing ideas that can change the world. The question is: what does your idea offer in order to be a great solution to a problem?

Do you feel like this is something you absolutely have to do?

As a startup, you should know the problem inside out before approaching a certain target market; you have to be consistent in order to solve a problem; you should know, from common courtesy only, what the consumer wants and needs. That should drive marketing decisions, and no strategy should be pursued until it passes the test of consumer research. The reason customers turn to you and your firm when they have a problem is that they’re stuck and need your help. Therefore, you must identify their problem, identify yourself within it, love it and resolve it by being able to bring something new to the table.

Also, what do you know about the competition? Did they fail? Did they succeed? What can you learn from their experience? Take some time to look around the world surrounding you; we can talk afterwards about being successful.

Start-up businesses are usually evaluated through the lens of how people will use them to make decisions, improve their lives, help them evolve (from a spiritual, relational, financial, physical point of view) and so on. More than that, you have to ask yourself: how can a startup change a behaviour? That is a matter of interest nowadays and people like startups that have a clear focus. As a small business owner, you have to know what existing motivation you are going to capitalise. Focus in a place where you feel you can be useful and make a difference. Sharp and on point.

The center of attention should be on customised products which can reach new audiences, not because you’re good at it, but because it actually makes sense for somebody, be it a person or business. A company should get focused on the long term, shouldn’t it?!

Last, but not least, we feel like if you never lose sight of the problem, you are more likely to find a solution that can gain your success. Don’t forget about the motivation, though. We all have this opportunity at our fingertips. Making a change. Making things happen.

Even though we’re all about cash flow management, we are sure that success is not about money, but about continuously improving who you are, how you live, how you serve and how you relate.

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